Heritage Trees

​A tree isn't just a tree. It is our connection to nature, to wildlife, to past generations. Trees make us happier, healthier, and our city a better place to live. They benefit you and your neighbor. Saving all we have and planting new ones is one of our best paths to a more resilient future in the face of climate change.”

Cambridge is an old city and its urban form has remained relatively unchanged for the past several decades. This has allowed many large, historical trees to remain healthy across the city on private and public land. Our Heritage Tree program identifies, maps, and recognizes individuals and groves of trees that meet shared criteria.

Do you know of a big old tree that might be a Heritage Tree?

Do you have a favorite big, old, or rare tree? You may have a Heritage Tree! With Green Cambridge you can help  submit a nomination. See tips and instructions below.

How to nominate a Heritage Tree.

  • Complete the form below.

  • Anyone can nominate a tree for Heritage Tree status. However, if the tree is located on private property the property owner must give consent. The property owner must sign the nomination form when it is submitted. Use this as an opportunity to talk to your neighbors!

Heritage Tree Criteria
The Heritage Tree Initiative celebrates big old trees of Cambridge which stand out by virtue of any one of these attributes:

  • Size: The tree is a large specimen. 

  • Age: The tree is old.

  • Type and Horticultural Value: The tree is an unusual or uncommon species.

  • Historical association: The tree has documented history. Provide details and information with the nomination.